Children & Young People

Children and Young People

friendly, inclusive and family 

Children and Young People

Primary school age children can attend Kidzklub whilst post primary school aged children attend STAY (St. Augustine’s Youth). These groups are friendly, inclusive and have a ‘family’ ethos. We have a comprehensive range of safeguarding procedures in place.


Creche has restarted on Sunday mornings. Parents with young families can bring their children to the creche which is supervised, or they can remain with the children in the creche and listen to the service which is streamed from the church. There is a range of age appropriate toys and soft play resources, plus books and games for children in their pre-school years. This is an excellent way for young families to engage with church life and to grow in friendship and fellowship with one another.


Kidzklub follow a bespoke programme to enable the children to learn about Jesus through a range of art, craft, games, storytelling and play activities. Kidzklub works collaboratively with the Diocesan Children’s Ministry and take part in a range of Diocesan led activities that are age appropriate, including colouring competitions, fun days and a virtual nativity. Parents are encouraged to attend church services while the children are in Kidzlub, and they are also encouraged to follow up the various activities and key learning at home. Partnership with parents is highly valued, and we work closely together.


STAY offers a range of activities and experiences which are age appropriate to post primary aged young people. There is a dedicated youth room in the church hall and this provides a contemporary space for the youth of the church to meet, talk and learn more about their faith. When the young people reach Year 10 in school, they are prepared by the STAY leaders for Confirmation. If any young person does not wish to be confirmed at this stage, confirmation always remains a possibility for later years. In the years after Confirmation, the young people are welcome to remain as part of the youth group, and very often they act as excellent role model for the younger members of the group

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